高二英语课件-First aid Writing课件
来源:学大教育 时间:2016-03-02 17:17:37
高中生想要学好英语知识需要掌握科学的方法,而课前阅读英语课件能够提高大家的学习能力,为了能够使大家轻松学好高中英语,下面学大教育网为大家带来高二英语课件-First aid Writing课件,希望能够提高大家的高中英语学习效果。
Teaching Goals
1. Talk about first aid and medicine.
2. Practice talking about what you should and should not do.
3. Learn to use the Subjunctive Mood (2).
4. Write a process paragraph.
Teaching times: Periods
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master some useful words and phrases.
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Words Study
1. drown vi.﹠vt.
e.g. Do cats drown easily? (drown: die in water)
Cheers drowned his voice. (drown: sound be louder or stronger than… )
2. catch fire: begin to burn
be on fire: be burning
e.g. The house caught fire last night.
The house is on fire.
注:catch fire 强调着火的动作,为瞬间动词词组,不可和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,无被动形式;be on fire 表静态,作表语或定语,可与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。
Ex: The forest caught fire last week. It is still on fire.
复习:1). set fire to sth./ set sth. on fire
e.g. The robbers set fire to the bank after robbing.
2). play with fire
3). go through fire and water (for) 为…赴汤蹈火
4). be on fire for 对…充满热情
5). fire n. v. 着火,开枪,开除 (dismiss )
firework 烟火,烟火晚会 fireplace 火炉 fireman/fire fighter 消防员 fire escape 太平梯
3. container n. 容器 contain vt.包含,容纳 containment n. 包含
contain / include
e.g. The book contains 10 units.
The book doesn’t include Unit 11.
Six were killed, including the boy. (连那小孩在内六人丧生。)
2. electrical adj. 电的,与电有关的 (of/ concerned with electricity)
electricity n.电流 electric adj. 发电的,使用电的 (using electrical power) electronic adj. 电子的
e.g. I want to buy an electric fan. (可不讲)
This machine has an electrical fault. 这台机器有电器故障。
5. upside n.上边,上部 downside right side left side
upside-down adj/adv
1). 上下翻转过来
e.g. hold a book upside-down 倒拿着书
2). <口>乱七八糟的,毫无条理的
e.g. He has an upside-down way of doing things. 他做事毫无条理。
Burglars had turned the house upside-down.. 窃贼把房子翻得乱七八糟。
6. witness
1). V. e.g. We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.
The girl witnessed to the truth of the statement. witness to sth.
2). N. e.g. I was a witness to their quarrel. (目击者)
The witness was questioned again and again. (证人)
7. keep in mind
keep/ bear/ have sth in mind: remember sth
e.g. She doesn’t seem to keep the matter in mind.
change one’s mind
e.g. Nothing will make me change my mind.
make up one’s mind
e.g. I’ve made up my mind to be a doctor.
keep in touch with
e.g. I keep in touch with my friend by internet.
keep in with 和…保持友谊
e.g. She still keeps in with her former husband.
8. calm calmly adv. calmness n.
1). adj.
e.g. It is important to keep/ stay calm in an emergency.
2). n.
e.g. the calm before the storm
3). v. calm sb. (down)
e.g. Just calm down a bit! 你先静一静。
Have a brandy(白兰地)---- it’ll help to calm you down.
9. panic panicky adj.
1). n. e.g. I got into a panic when I found the door was locked.
2). v. (panicked, panicked) e.g. The gunfire panicked the horse.
10. response n. respond v. respondent n. (law) 被告,(尤指离婚案件) 注:responsibility
e.g. She made no response. 她没有回答。
Her cries for help met with no/some/litter… response. 她那求救的呼声没有激起任何/激起一些/没有激起什么…反映。
11. conscious adj. consciously adv. consciousness n. 知觉
e.g. She spoke to us in her conscious moments. Conscious: 清醒
He was conscious of being watched/ that he is being watched. (be conscious of sth./ that…) 察觉的
I had to make a conscious effort not to be rude to him. Conscious: 蓄意的
Try to make the workers more politically conscious. Conscious: 对所提到的事物具有深刻的认识兴趣
12. tip v.
1). tip n. 尖端,小部分,小物件 v. 给某物装上尖头,置于某物顶端
(have sth.) on the tip of one’s tongue
the tip of the iceberg 重要情况,重大问题等显露出的小部分
e.g. His name is on t he tip of my tongue, but I just can’t think of.
The legs of the table were tipped with rubber. 桌子腿装上了橡皮头。
2). tip v. (tipped tipped)
e.g. Don’t lean on the table or it’ll tip up.
Tip the box up and empty it. 把盒子翻过来倒空。
Careful! You’ll tip the boat over. 把船弄翻了。
No rubbish to be tipped here. / No tipping. 禁止倒垃圾。
tip n. 垃圾弃置场
e.g. Their house is an absolute tip. 他们家简直是个垃圾堆。
3). tip v.
e.g. She just tipped the ball over the net. Tip: 轻拍/打/敲
He tip the driver 5 Yuan. Tip: 给…小费
She’s been tipped for promotion. 有人认为她最可能得到提升。Tip: 可能成功
Someone tipped off the police about the robbery. Tip: 事先给某人警告或暗示
tip n.
e.g. He left a tip under his plate. Tip: 小费
The teacher gives students some tips about how to study English. Tip: 有用的小建议
13. circulate v.
circulation n. 流传,传播(不可数);发行额,销售量(可数);血液循环(可数或不可数)
e.g. have (a) good/ bad circulation
14. pulse plus prep. 加上
15. wound/ injure/ hurt
1). Wound 指外界暴力引起身体“创伤”,尤指刀伤,枪伤, 剑伤;而injure/ hurt指意外事故受伤。
2). 身体内部受伤不能用wound 只能用hurt/ injure
3). E.g. My left foot hurt. 我左脚痛。
I saw an injured/ a wounded man. 我看见一个受伤的人。
hurt 可以做不及物动词,表示“疼痛”;injured/ wounded 可作表语或定语,hurt只能作表语
16. roll over 不及物动词词组
e.g. The car was out of control and rolled over down to the river.
The years roll on.岁月流逝。
Roll the ball to me.把球滚给我。
其他词组:get…rolling…使…取得进展;keep the ball to rolling 使保持活跃;
roll in 大量涌来;start the ball rolling 使活跃起来
17. sudden adj. suddenly adv.
e.g. They heard a sudden cry and wondered what was the matter.
all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 sudden death 暴死
18. in honor of(= in sb’s /sth’s honor) : out of respect for ab/sth
e.g. This is a ceremony in honor of these killed in battle.
相关短语: an honor to sb./sth. 给…增光的人/事
e.g. Liu Xiang is an honor to China.
in…of: in praise of赞美;in need of需要;in place of 代替;in case of 万一;in front of在…(内部)前面;in the front of在…(外部)前面;in favor of 支持
19. tap
tap n. tap v. 从…中放出液体
e.g. Don’t leave the taps running.
He taps off some cider. 他倒了些苹果酒。
tap n. 轻快的敲击声 tap v. (tapped, tapped)轻拍某人/物
e.g. They heard a tap at the door.
He tapped the box with a stick. tap sth./ sb. with sth./sb.
She is tapping her fingers on the table. tap sth. on sth.
Who’s that tapping at the window? tap sth. at sth.
20. in case/ in case of / in the case of
in case 以防万一,假如
e.g. In case it rains, we won’t be able to go there on foot. 假如下雨,我们就不能步行去那里。
(in case 引导条件状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时或是一般过去时表将来)
in case of 万一,要是 (可能性不大)
e.g. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 如遇火警,则按警铃。
in the case of 就…而言
e.g. It’s the kind of story we think of as myth. But in the case of him, the story is true.
注:in case of/ in the case of + n./ pron. 不接从句
in case + 从句
e.g. He left early in case he should miss the train.
In case of danger, you must be calm.
Step Ⅱ Homework
给出几种情况(drowning; traffic accident; burns; bleeding; cuts; choking; bites ),把学生分组抽签。把遇到以上情况该做的和不该做的写在小卡片上。
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